Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Scare Tactics of Food Babe

Microwaves can kill you. Chocolate is poison. Really, Vani, beer?

Bug coated candy. Fish bladder in beer. Detoxifying your liver (I'll get to this in a separate post).

"Junk Food Kills More than Wars, Starvation, and Genocide."

Formula's not safe. Yogurt's not safe. Microwave popcorn's not safe. Wheat's not safe. Next it's going to be water. 

That took me five minutes of looking at Food Babe's page. What irks me the most is that she has zero background to be making those claims. She's successful because of fear-mongering and bandwagon approaches, not for presenting scientific, researched information. Just because you're a good speaker doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.

Before I start breaking down some of her claims, let me first say there are a few things I agree with - limiting your intake of processed food and additives, and preparing your own food whenever you can.

Okay, let's get started...

Microwaves work by vibrating water molecules, which in turn heart your food. Microwave uses range from radars to communication devices, and believe it or not, they are also used to treat muscular problems. It is true that microwaves give off tiny amounts of radiation, but that amount is extremely restricted by the FDA over the course of its lifetime. We are actually exposed to radiation on a daily basis in the air; to combat this, our bodies regularly repair any damaged cells. Therefore, as long as you use common sense*, your body has you covered. 

*The most radiation is given off within 2 inches of a microwave. Please don't stare into it. It would also be wise not to run it all day long.


Chocolate isn't poison.The ingredients  in it aren't poison. Give me a break (of that KitKat bar...). It seems as though her main concern is High Fructose Corn Syrup, growth hormones, and tans fat. First of all, it is very simple to find chocolate without trans fat. Secondly, growth hormones? How much chocolate was this woman eating? Last I checked, the amount of dairy in chocolate was minimal compared to many other products people consume on a daily basis. I guess my body missed that memo with all that Halloween candy I used to eat :/. I could use an inch or two. I know growth hormones have their (scientific) purpose. With that being said, I'm not a fan. Even so, I don't see a reason to avoid chocolate. Ever. (In moderation). Unless for medical purposes. 


Beer... I can't even  mentally process some of her claims. So I'm going to stick with the whole fish bladder in Guinness. You are not drinking fish bladder. Not even close. There is a substance called Isinglass, which is produced from the collagen of dried swim bladder. Sounds a little gross, but you're still not drinking it. In order to make Guinness, they use a process called fining. This is when leftover materials and particles are removed during the brewing process. All the Isinglass is used for is helping to remove these particles at the bottom of the brew. Actually, it's a very environmentally friendly practice. I can definitely see the issue for vegetarians and vegans, however. In this case, there are some beer companies who do not use this practice. Call the company if you have specific questions.


Junk Food Killing More People Than Starvation  - this one actually made me extremely angry. Clearly she has never been in the trenches of starving nations, or even spent time with starving kids in her own. According to the World Hunger Organization, 1 in 8 people in the world is starving... right now as a type this, and she enjoys her detoxifying shake. See, the difference between me and her is that I've taught about hunger, I've crusaded against hunger, and I've done something about hunger. I could be completely wrong, but I have not seen anything where she tries to help those in need. And maybe, just maybe, if she had, she would know that she is wrong when applied to children. She would know that cookies and chips trump an empty belly any day. She would know people who would be eternally grateful for canned foods (and they wouldn't die because of them).

As you hug your little ones tonight, think about something she's not telling you: 3.1 million children died of starvation last year. Granted most aren't in developed nations, but that doesn't mean children in those countries don't have severe complications from hunger. You better believe that if my child was hungry and I had no access to other food, he'd be getting junk food. Every.Single.Day. It is generally cheaper and much more accessible. I would do my best to get healthier foods, but for some, that isn't always an option.

I used to be part of Americorps and I taught in an under-served area . I had to keep snacks in my room every day. Silence (ahh sweet classroom silence) often brought about a few rumbling tummies. I had a few students whose backpacks I would fill weekly, especially when the school food bank wasn't stocked. My husband would always ask where I was going with spaghetti and sauces at 6am. Yup, that's right. WHEAT spaghetti. SAUCE from a CAN.... and a B on their math test because they weren't thinking about their next meal.

Although she's correct in the sense that more people are suffering from obesity than hunger (in the US, which she doesn't specify), it's not applicable to children. And it's certainly not okay to diminish the urgency of world hunger (and backyard hunger) with her anti junk food crusade.


Formula - I loved breastfeeding. I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed my son for just about a year. But I also supplemented, and I didn't feel an ounce of guilt. We all know breast is best. There's so much push for it, that if my dog could talk, he could tell you that. But what is once again getting lost is that formula today is so close to breast milk, and your baby will grow either way. I hear all the time mothers terrified of ruining their child's IQ or not having that special bond. Don't let breastfeeding dictate that. IQ is much more about genetics and how you interact with them in their environment than it is their source of DHA. And bonding? psshht. If you knew my brother, that would be anecdote enough to throw that claim out. He is the biggest mama's boy I know. And then it always comes down to this: some people can't breastfeed. Donor's milk is expensive. Why should they be made to feel guilty for feeding this child? And what about those who don't want to? It's their decision, not Vani Hari's. If it doesn't affect her, it's none of her business... especially when she has zero experience or professional knowledge of the subject matter.


Healthy living is a lifestyle, not a bunch of scary rules. Moderation is key. Enjoy life. Don't be afraid of it. And certainly don't believe everything you read (even what I say - although you can always double check me!)

_________________________ last parting thought: I CANNOT WAIT to be able to snuggle on the couch during movie night with my son and rip open a hot bag of microwave popcorn.

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